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ClearOS Updates Workflow

The following is a brief document on the workflow for publishing RPM updates to ClearOS 7 (and only 7!). The following repositories are involved in the workflow and the details are discussed below.

  • clearos-updates-testing
  • clearos-qa
  • clearos-updates
  • clearos-verified-updates


clearos-updates-testing - Developer/QA Team

The clearos-updates-testing repository is intended for developers and the QA team. This is the place where new apps and updates will appear for developer testing and verification. For example, when an openldap errata update is pushed to the build system, it will appear in this repository. Once a package has been approved by a member of the development or QA team, it is moved to the next step in the workflow - the clearos-qa repository.

This repository should never be enabled by default since packages in this repository will break your system. You should only install packages from this repository if instructed to do so by the development or QA teams.

clearos-qa - Public Testing

The clearos-qa repository is intended for members of the community who want to be involved in pre-release testing. Packages in this repository have been vetted by the development and QA teams. Once a package has been approved by the Release Team, it is moved to the clearos-updates repository.

For those of you wishing to help with the QA process, you can enable clearos-qa in your yum configuration to live on the edge. When something breaks, then please let us know!

clearos-updates - Ready for Community Edition

The clearos-updates repository is intended for all Community Edition users and it is where you will find updates that have been screened by QA.

This repository is enabled by default in the Community Edition.

clearos-verified-updates - Ready for Home and Business Editions

An extra level of QA is performed before releasing updates to the Home and Business Editions. The clearos-verified-updates repository contains the verified updates.

content/en_us/dev_packaging_workflow.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/18 11:03 by pbaldwin