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ClearOS Community 6.2.0 Final Release Information

Released: April 24, 2012

What's New in ClearOS Community 6.2.0

Along with updating the base system built on source code from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 1) 6.2, this release includes the following major changes.

Base System

  • Marketplace
  • Base system built from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2) 6.2 source code
  • 64-bit support
  • Graphical installer
  • Windows BDC support
  • App developer framework

Known Issues

  • The last step in installer may take a couple of minutes to complete

ClearOS 5.2 Differences

For ClearOS 6, the barrier for having an app available in the web interface was raised. If the quality or features in ClearOS 5.2 were not up to the standards of a modern small business server/gateway, the feature was either upgraded or deprecated.

Mail Stack

The mail stack (e.g. Mail Antispam, SMTP Server, etc) will be available in June 2012 (beta starts in May). The default mail solution is now be based on Zarafa.


Horde/Kolab has been deprecated and is no longer supported. This policy may change in a future ClearOS 6 release.


The reporting engine in ClearOS 6 is being completely overhauled. An administrator does not want to sift through 5 different reports to see what a particular user was doing on the network. Instead, a unified reporting tool is under development. The reports in version 5.x have been deprecated.

Advanced Firewall

The Advanced Firewall app was marked as deprecated in version 5.2. It is no longer available. The Custom Firewall can be used as an alternative.

Bandwidth - Advanced Rules

The advanced mode in the bandwidth app has been removed in order to improve multi-WAN support. Advanced mode will be made available in the next release (June 2012).


The Administrators app does not fit into the group-based policy engine in ClearOS 6. The underlying mechanism that existed in ClearOS 5 has been ported to version 6, but it requires command line configuration.


1) , 2) Trademark is the property of the respective owner. ClearFoundation is not affiliated with Red Hat.
content/en_us/announcements_releases_clearos_community_6.2.0_final_release_information.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/10 08:59 (external edit)